Sunday, July 5, 2015

Lab 5A: Mole Baggie Lab

Lab 5A: Mole Baggie Lab
The purpose of this experiment was to apply our newly gained knowledge of moles and Avogadro's number, 6.02*10^23 to identify the substance that was inside a paper bag.
Our team was given a plastic bag with an unknown substance within it. The bag contained information regarding the number of representative particles it had in it. The bag was labeled B2 and it had 3.10*10^22 molecules inside of it. It also had the mass of the bag. The first step was to weigh the substance along with the bag and subtract their masses to determine the mass of the mysterious substance. The next thing our group did was to determine the number of moles in the substance, because this would be important later on. To find the number of moles we divided the number of molecules by Avogadro's number and we found there were .0515 moles of the substance in the bag. Next, we calculated the molar mass by dividing the number of grams of the substance by the number of moles. Finally, we compared the molar mass of the unknown substance to that of many other substances that were given to us and we determined that the mysterious substance was sodium chloride. Coincidentally, the other bag A1 also contained sodium chloride so we immediately were able to identify it based on its molar mass.

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